Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Importance of Little Things

You and I are too impressed with size. We think the big things are important while the little things are of no significance. But God doesn't measure life the way we do. The big things don't always impress him. The prophet Zechariah asked an interesting question: "For who has despised the day of small things?" This means we had better be careful not to despise that which appears small. Just think we are getting ready to celebrate Christmas. That celebration was made possible because God chose to come to a small town, to a small stable, in the form of a small child. Everything about the event spoke of insignificance as far as the world was concerned. But to those who believe, it was the greatest event to have ever transpired. This little baby would eventually change the world. Again, God is not impressed with the big stuff. When He wants to bring about change He often uses something small. Maybe that's why He said if we give a cup of cold water in His name we would not lose our reward. As we approach this Christmas season let me encourage you to appreciate the large gifts, but don't forget the small. You will never know what changes might transpire through sharing a friendly embrace, a card, a good deed, or merely saying the words "I love you." These expressions of appreciation are the tokens that impress others, but most importantly-God!

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