Sunday, January 15, 2012

More than Enough!

I heard the story of a man who pulled up in a fancy sports car. Standing nearby was a young boy who was captured by the automobile’s style and elegance. Being curious he asked, “how much horsepower does that car have mister?” The owner replied, “More than enough.” I get the feeling that is how the psalmist felt when he penned the words, “He anoints my head with oil, my cup runs over.” This also seems to be the point Paul wanted to make when he wrote, “God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we ask or think.” In essence these men were saying that the Creator of the universe is “more than enough.” I like the way Haddon Robinson expresses himself on this thought: “With Him the calf is always the fatted calf; the robe is always the best robe; the joy is unspeakable; and the peace passes all understanding. There is no grudging in God’s goodness. He does not measure His goodness by drops like a druggist filling a prescription. It comes to us in floods. If only we recognized the lavish abundance of His gifts, what a difference it would make in our lives!” God is indeed the greatest philanthropist and gives to us accordingly. However, our cup can only overflow as we continue to realize the status by which He provides. This means if we should find ourselves bearing a cup only half-full, the problem is not in the supply but in our ability to apply. God gives “more than enough!”

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