Sunday, July 26, 2015

A Generational Gap

Have you ever found yourself being faced with what’s called the “Generation Gap?” It’s a given if you are the parents or grandparents of older children. Just recently Addison our granddaughter came for a visit. During all of her previous trips clothing was not an issue; however this time was different.  When Sunday came she appeared dressed for church in what we old folks would call questionable attire. Her grandmother immediately said “Addi honey, those shorts are not appropriate for church.”  Of course this was not an issue to a twelve year old getting ready to become a teenager. She then informed us that her dress clothes had not been packed. After some deliberation and searching, her grandmother found some black pajama bottoms that were suitable. On the way to church our little girl was unhappy. She was quiet and preoccupied which is unusual for her. Although the clothes looked fine to me I knew the thoughts running through her mind. “I can’t go to class like this. All the kids will know I’m dressed in pajamas; how embarrassing.” So, upon arrival I told her to stay in the car that we were going shopping.  We rushed to the K-Mart down the street and went in. I told her to go pick out something. She replied, “I can’t. I never go shopping. Mom always goes for me.”  That’s okay simple enough, so I asked what size she wore. She responded, “I don’t know.” Now I’m stressing because I certainly did not know and time was of the essence. Needless to say I felt helpless and frustrated. Finally with the intervention of a Good Samaritan cashier we were able to accomplish the task. The end result—she looked great and was very happy. Years down the road when much older she will remember that day. What will she reflect upon? Hopefully her thoughts will turn to a grandfather who faced a Generational Gap crisis, but in that moment took the time to care and relieve the worries of a little girl who felt temporarily embarrassed and humiliated while wearing pajamas.  God our father is forever closing the “Gap” on our behalf letting us know He cares. That’s what makes visiting with Him such a wonderful experience.    

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