Sunday, November 13, 2011

What Are You Singing?

I read recently that the song of the humpback whale is one of the strangest in nature. It is a weird combination of high and low pitched groanings. Those who have studied the humpback whale say their songs are noteworthy because these giants of the deep are continually changing them. New patterns are added and old ones eliminated so that over a period of time the whale actually sings a whole new song. There is a sense in which Christians should be continually singing a new song because of what they experience daily at the hand of God. Is this not what the writer was declaring in Psalm 40:3, “He has put a new song in my mouth—praise to our God.” You see new songs are created out of new paradigms that come into our lives. As Mart De Haan wrote, “The gospel story never changes—thank God for that. But our songs of praise should be ever new.” Given that reality, I think one of the greatest indictments to be leveled at a Christian is that he or she lives a life of boredom. With all that God has to offer no one should live such a lifestyle. In the words of one poet, God’s blessings are too numerous to count them all the night; That’s why we can give praise to Him As fresh as morning’s light. Take note and look around, above, and behind you. In mere observation you will see the merciful footprints of God everywhere. In doing so there will be plenty to write about—so get a pad of paper and compose your new song, then sing it to the Lord with all of your heart.

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