Sunday, November 11, 2012

Ready for Anything

R.T. Kendall in his book “God meant it for Good” tells a story about the great D.L. Moody. He was seated on a platform when he heard the man preaching make this statement: “The world has yet to see what God can do with one man who is utterly committed to Him.” Mr. Moody said in his heart, “I propose to be that person.”  Kendall continues, “We might think anybody who would want to be used of God like that would get the applause of the angels—that everything would start going right.  Within days his church burned down, and his own house burned down.  It is through much tribulation that we enter the kingdom of God.” Commitment never comes without its opportunities. While we think being sold out equal’s unlimited favor we forget that it says to God “I’m ready for anything.” With the door left wide open God responds by saying, “I have a little trial for you.” And how we answer that call determines whether we can be trusted or not. Joseph had the attitude and received the call.  It started with a dream and ended up with a dungeon.  However, throughout the whole process God was giving this young dreamer the chance of a lifetime. If he could pass the test he would move to the throne. If you have any question as to how it all turned out just cite the closing chapters of Genesis. Stamped within the pages you will find one success story after another. Joseph’s calling card if he had one would have read, “Trial accepted—Test completed—Ready for anything.”  The question that remains to be answered is “Are we ready?”      

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