Sunday, May 3, 2015

Excess Weight

August 10, 1628 was a dark day in naval history.  On that day the royal warship Vasa set out on her maiden voyage.  The ship’s builders had worked two years on the magnificent vessel. This pride of the Swedish navy lavishly decorated and holding 64 canons sank only one mile out to sea. What went wrong? The excessive load was too heavy to make her seaworthy. Excess weight pulled the Vasa to the bottom of the ocean. When you think about it we all wrestle with the temptation of taking on too much weight. Physically we hear people say, “I’ve got to shed all these extra pounds.” The same can be heard in the spiritual. “I’ve got to back away from a few things.” Both can be life threatening if not addressed.  Due to the physical threat we have become bombarded with health conscious programs and products. Also, because of spiritual excess the writer of Hebrews through the Holy Spirit gave warning. “Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”  Whether it be in the flesh or the spirit weight loss is never easy. And while I am a guru of neither, wisdom tells me that I should draw upon the words of those who are.  What do the health experts and the bible have to say about losing weight? Take in plenty of liquid—water and Spirit; exercise often by utilizing tracks, treadmills and truth; eat a balanced diet of greens and grace; practice forgiveness daily; meditate, learn to say no, and last but not least resist the late night temptation to feast on carbs and sensuality that  pack on the pounds. This will move us from sinking to sailing because we have chosen to deal with those things considered excess weight.      

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