Sunday, December 18, 2011

"The Ultimate Gift"

One of the things my wife and I enjoy doing during this time of the year is watching Christmas movies. A favorite of ours is “The Ultimate Gift.” While the film is not dedicated to this season alone it contains all the thematic material to make it apropos. If you haven’t seen it as yet I would strongly encourage you to do so. And less I ruin it for you I will avoid giving the details of the story. However, in general the plot has to do with a Grandfather who prepares a will prior to his death. Eventually he dies and the time comes for his will to be read before all the family members. One by one they gather to hear about their part of the inheritance. Finally, the family lawyer turns and addresses the surviving grandson. He has been included in the will but various stipulations have been set forth that must be met before he can receive what has been willed to him. The wise grandfather realizes that unless his family member learns the importance of life in general no gift will be sufficient or satisfying. As the grandson completes each assignment given, he moves closer and closer to receiving the greatest gift of all. Is that not the story of Christmas? God sent the gift of His only Son that we might receive the “Ultimate Gift” of eternal life. We often forget that each test we experience and each trial we overcome moves us closer and closer to the greatest gift the Father desires to bestow upon us. Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds and the Wise men all learned this great lesson. They sacrificially gave of themselves, and completed their tasks but in the end realized the incredible worth of their obedience. They received “The Ultimate Gift.” May we do the same so we can receive the same, especially during this Christmas Season.

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